Наталья Люккези
About School
Maison Lucchezi International School of Art de la Table is the project of Natalia Lucchezi, a leading table decor expert. The School has collected unique materials and creative teaching methods on the topic of serving.

The school functions both online and offline in the form of full-time master classes and intensive courses around the world. Depending on the format, the materials of the School are intended both for home table decoration enthusiasts, and for beginners and practicing professionals.

Principles of Maison Lucchezi School

To teach you not how to do it right, but why
Учиться не как правильно, а почему
Творческое развитие
Вовлеченность студентов в процесс обучения
Creative development of you as an artist
Full involvement of students in the learning process
Наталья Люккези
About Founder
Natalia Lucchezi is a professional decorator. Graduate of the Details School, Moscow and KLC School, London. Practicing table decorator for 15 years. The author of the book-guide "How to start serving? From simple to complex."

Among her works are the design of private events of the Garage Museum of Modern Art, decoration of launches and client dinners of Chanel, Cartier and other high fashion and jewelry brands, advertising shoots for Tatler magazine, expert articles for Vogue, Elle Decoration, AD, etc. And of course, a huge private practice for events at the highest level.

Natalia has been living in France for many years and her main specialization is the French approach to the Art de la Table. In addition, Natalia is deeply immersed in the context and practice of the Anglo-Saxon traditions of table serving, "à la
Russe" serving, national feasts of the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
The School holds events: thematic workshops and educational intensive courses. Any Maison Lucchezi event is always the most valuable knowledge, vivid emotions and inspiration for the transformation of your table.
Face-to-face training with Maison Lucchezi is also possible in an individual, family and corporate format. Contact us to clarify the conditions for the arrival of an international expert personally to you.

Maison Lucchezi Events

Lessons are held in real time (face-to-face) in the Zoom application (online) with the personal participation of Natalia Lucchezi. Each lesson assumes a basic theoretical block, as well as analysis of practical tasks. This format assumes the full inclusion in the learning process.
Face-to-face online courses are a concentrate of expert knowledge and experience, previously available only to offline students. Enrollment for training is carried out only after an interview. Courses can be completed individually on a personal schedule or in a group on a fixed schedule (1-2 times a year)

Step 1: 'Art de la Table' Basic Course

Want to bring Art de la Table into your everyday life
Appreciate an individual approach to learning
Dream of finding a new vocation
Искусство сервировки в повседневную жизнь
Индивидуальный подход в обучении
Обрести новое призвание
Most important things about table serving – from the history of etiquette to your first portfolio.
This course is designed for you if you:
Or you are already serving the table, but striving to reach a new professional level
All the most important information on serving is collected in six classes held just for you according to your needs and requests
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion - confirmation of unique knowledge that will allow you to take the first steps in the profession
6 main themes
Final project
Certificate of completion
Personal schedule of classes
Personal attention to your table setting needs
6 main themes
Final project
Certificate of completion
Fixed schedule of classes
1 additional optional lesson
Serving challenge
Telegram chat with other students
Обучение в группе
2 700€
1 290€
In a group (6-8 students)


Индивидуальное обучение
Spring 2025

Step 2:
'Business in serving' professional course

Want to take the first steps in the profession, but you don't know where to start
Ready for intensive work on pumping business skills
Need an experienced mentor in professional table decoration
Первые шаги в профессии
Most important things about business in table decoration – from organizing a master class to drawing up your business plan. You will receive unique knowledge that will allow you to take the first confident steps in a new profession.
This course is designed for you if you:
Business is a constant work on yourself. We will prepare you in theory and in practice. We expect full engagement and serious attitude from you
The experience of Maison Lucchezi is our main value. We are ready to generously share all aspects of the work in the table decoration. We will show you the shortest way to your success
Интенсивная работа по улучшению бизнес навыков
Нужен наставник в области профессионального декора стола
You will get ready-made tools that will be easy to start with. Portfolio, master classes, business plan - you will take this baggage with you after the course
6 main themes
Final project
Certificate of completion
Personal schedule of classes
Personal attention to your business needs
6 main themes
Final project
Certificate of completion
Fixed schedule of classes
Serving challenge
Telegram chat with other students
Индивидуальное обучение
3 900€
1 990€
In a group (6-8 students)


Групповое обучение
Session 2024 - registration
Individual consultations
Individual work on personal and professional issues in the field of serving and decoration with international expert Natalia Lucchezi.
Business consultations on how to start and how to develop your business from Anna Kakalia, the Managing Director of Maison Lucchezi.
Dining collection review
Personal shopping
Consultations on creativity
60-90 minutes duration
Art de la Table as a matter of life
The path from an idea to an international brand
Business consultations
60-90 minutes duration
Творческие консультации
Бизнес консультации
Consultations on creativity with Natalia Lucchezi
Business consultations with Anna Kakalia
Наталья Люккези

Table decoration

Natalia Lucchezi's unique author's guide "How to start serving? From simple to complex". The history and theory of serving, schemes, checklists. Your table book for serving for every day and on special occasions
